So, if you're here, it seems you're interested to be a part of this project! Okay.. World Version 2.0, as the name suggests, is the concept to change the world.
But not only that, it is a selfish concept, a concept to solve our problems, to change ourselves. We seem to be surrounded by evils. The evils like smoking, lack of cultural values, etc are known to all of us. Some of them are wrapped in chocolate wrappers that they seem sweet, but they prove to be bitter on a long run.
World Version 2.0 aims at bringing out the "Feelings" from the people by it's blog posts, images, videos and other media.
Here, the concept is that everyone should do at least something for the world, in return of the guarantee that there problems too would be brought to limelight and solved.
You could share your experiences, or just think the solutions of the problems that the world faces, we demand no donations, all we know is that people, not money are the best solutions to all the problems we are facing. We would do all we can to bring out a version 2.0 out of you and every other visitor of this website. We would automatically get the version 2.0 of the world.
What could you do?
Think. Nothing else. Here, the problems that the world, that you and me are facing would be listed and all you have to do is to just think to how to solve that problem. We want to show that even common people like you and me could solve the problems which great leaders may fail to. The power of you and me!
Anything else?
Ofcourse! You could even share your experiences of doing something for the world and getting the feeling of self-satisfaction through that. We would share your story if it's nice!
Yeah! You could share your stuff (Pics, videos, poems, stories, everything!!). Let the world feel your feelings through this medium!
Not interested??
What matters is that you spent your time to read this! If you are not interested, please atleast share this site so that if not you, anyone else could find this useful.